Digitize your graph with PlotDigitizer

PlotDigitizer is time-saving online software that allows users to extract numerical data from images. Data is often available in graphs, plots, charts, and maps instead of numerical form. This is particularly true in science and engineering fields. Extracting these data from images is one of the difficult and time-consuming tasks.

PlotDigitizer allows users to quickly extract and reverse engineer data from any kind of graph. It is the best online data extraction tool that comes with plenty of valuable features. You can upload images in JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEPG, BMP, & SVG formats.

Upload Image

Upload Image

PlotDigitizer accepts the graph image in various file formats.

Trace Graph

Trace Graph

PlotDigitizer offers convenience to easily extract data from images

Export Data

Export Data

The extracted data can be exported to various other file formats.


Plotdigitizer brings several time-saving features to users. The following is the current list.

  • Extracts data points with high accuracy and quickly
  • User-friendly interface
  • The Zoom-in panel allows users to improve the accuracy of data
  • Supports XY graphs, bar graphs (horizontal & vertical), polar diagrams, ternary plots, pie charts, maps, and distance calculation
  • Values are updated dynamically
  • You can change the scale of the axes at any time
  • Users can set the scale and input data in numbers, date, and the logarithmic form.
  • Supports multiple image formats, including JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEPG, BMP, SVG.
  • Users can export the extracted data into other formats, like JSON, CSV, Python list, MS Excel, MATLAB.
  • Auto-tracing alogorithms: cluster, points, curves, bar, histogram
  • And many more